Fall online Bible Study: The Prophets - Messengers of God's Mercy

Date: September 23, 2020 - January 6, 2021
Time: 7:00pm - 8:00pm

God sent prophets at critical times to call the people back to Him. Prophets proclaimed the consequences of continued sin, called people to repentance, and declared God's faithful love.  This study examines who the prophets were, their role during their time, and the meaning of their messages for our own time. In this 10 session study discover how God is constantly calling you to a deeper relationship, as well as the ways you are called to be the voice of God to others.

Open to all 14-adult.  No prior experience necessary.

Materials cost: $26.95

Wednesdays at 7pm starting September 23rd  (three Wednesdays per month)

Our group will meet via Zoom video conferencing, with the video lectures available online to watch on your own.

To register, and learn how to access materials, please contact:

Gwen Devereux | biblestudy(at)stmarysacto(dot)org | 916.281.9353

or reach out through the bible study group in the MyParish app.